Thursday, October 30, 2003

Windfalls of War

Well, we all knew this was happening (who would you give your billions of dollars of no-bid contracts to - your enemies?), but the Center for Public Integrity has just released a report on the Afghanistan & Iraq post-war bidding contracts that they call Windfalls of War.

Worth noting too is this response from USAID assistant administrator J. Edward Fox (no relation!): "It would ... be incorrect to suggest that there is no overall oversight of this process. The USAID inspector general's review of all Iraq contracts which was requested by USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios on April 14th has shown that all Iraq contracts to date have been done in compliance" with federal regulations.

An interesting point, which raises the question: Does the fact of USAID's uniform oversight (if true) really make the whole sordid situation smell better - or worse?

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