Thursday, October 02, 2003

It's Time for some Questioning

Faced with the certain knowledge in mid-July that members of his administration had illegally revealed the identity of a covert CIA agent for purposes of political revenge, why did George Bush not demand an investigation to reveal who those people were, and why did he not fire them? Why did he wait for 3 months before even weakly suggesting that they come forward? Why has he still not demanded resignations -- whoever they are?

Here was clear evidence -- now, over two months ago -- that an important federal law had been broken by a trusted member of his administration -- that someone had, against Bush's will and without him knowing, used the mechanisms of government and their place of privilege in the Executive Branch to push down a political enemy of this administration. And yet Bush did nothing.

In other words -- why must the country fight this president to see that our laws are applied, and the privileged power of government is not used as a political tool of oppression and retribution? The president should be enforcing the laws, not allowing them to be broken by his administration. And waiting 3 months and for a major public outcry and demands from Congress is not enforcment -- it is condoning the breaking of them.

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