Monday, October 13, 2003

Army Astroturf

A special Alec Baldwin-edition pair of brass balls to the first journalist on Bush's whirlwind Iraq-boosting tour who asks him about the US Army's astroturf campaign that is mailing out form letters to hometown newspapers, only occasionally after getting the individual soldiers' approvals first, and never with their input as to the letter text. (Original link from Robin, who may blog with commentary later.)

Regarding the White House Plame Affair leakers/felons/traitors, Michael Kinsley was on Slate/NPR Day to Day today (web link not up yet, unfortunately) claiming that many (well, more than six) Washington journalists are now claiming to be among the leaked-to-six. This would be the mirror-image version of Bob's complaint from last week, namely, that six had been leaked to but none had even admitted it. Now, if we take Kinsley at his word, we are in the reverse situation of having so many who have "admitted" it that we cannot believe even one. Unfortunately Kinsley didn't name names...

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