Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Will Plame flame out?

This is what we're looking at :

  • There are at least two felons among the Presidents cabinet or senior White House advisors, who took the opportunity --- when it became available -- to trash a security asset.
  • In doing so, they told at least Robert Novak, and, according to the WaPost, a reporter there;
  • Mr. Kinsey states that there are many more reporters claiming to have been leaked to prior to July 14, when Mr. Novak revealed the existence of the leak.
  • Any one of these reporters coming forward to give the full story -- minus the identity of the leaker, assumably -- would have a very big story. Well worth reading.
  • And yet none of them have. It's been 2 weeks since the story hit peak again, and 3 months since it first came out, and the only indication we have that anyone other than Robert Novak is a tangential mention (ref'd below) that a WaPost reporter was also leaked to.

What gives? Have reporters gotten cold feet, lacking the interest to throw out a wham-bang story? They gain nothing by waiting. I can't think of five reasons why any of them would hold back, but I can think of three:

  1. The reporters are whispering among themselves, trying to figure out exactly how wide the leak is, and after they figure out who and how many of them know, the winds will carry the guilty parties' names out, and then that will be the story to be pushed -- to take a page from Karl Rove's book;
  2. The reporters were all of a stripe -- Robert Novak's stripe. Every last one a conservative, and as likely to come forward with damaging information to this administration as Hillary was in the last one;
  3. The reporters aren't really there.

If the real reason is (1), then it is going to be a very interesting winter, and a tough re-election for Bush if two of his Cabinet members (or Veep?) are hounded from office. However, if the reason is 2 or 3, this is a story which will flame out in the Attorney General's office.

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