Sunday, September 28, 2003

Rove/Cheney Perp Walk?

A WAPost article says CIA director Tenet has requested an investigation from the FBI
which could bring a scandal to the White House.

Only days after Joseph Wilson penned the NYTimes OpEd stating his Nigerian investigation showed no evidence for yellowake trade with Iraq (an investigation prompted by the Vice-President's office), two senior White House officials rang up six different journalists and revealed that Wilson's wife is CIA operative, making vulnerable anyone she had ever met outside the US -- oh, and breaking federal law. Syndicated columnist Bob Novak published the statement. The revelation is interpreted as revenge, and a warning to others who would fight this administration.

The administration won't go on the record as to who those two officials are -- but speculation is that one was Karl Rove. Was the other was our Vice President Cheney? Are we going to see a perp walk starring Bush's lead political operative and the man who it has been said was the only one who stood between Bush and the Presidency?

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