Tuesday, September 30, 2003

The Circle Widens

The NYTImes reports that two Newsday reporters (Timothy M. Phelps and Knut Royce) were among the six receiving the leaked information about Plame. They wrote an article in July, stating that "intelligence officials" expanded Novak's account saying Valerie Plame worked in "an undercover capcity", confirming that she was not merely an analysit, as Novak has suggested in public statements since this weekend. (That accounts for 4 of the six reporters the leak went to, according to the anonymous WHouse source for the WAPost article; the forth -- after Phelps, Royce and Novak -- ).

There are only two offices which knew about Wilson's selection for the Nigerian job: Justice (the CIA), and office of the Vice President.
Unless Tenet is in the habit of leaking and then complaining about it -- it seems likely that Cheney's office was involved in the leak.

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