Wednesday, September 10, 2003

I made a trip to San Diego this weekend. As much as the subject has been talked about, I'd like to share some excerpts from one of my greatest sources of amusement from the weekend: the sample ballot for the recall election. It gives the list of candidates with names and occupations. That's all. Here are some of my favorites:

Mary "Mary Carey" Cook: Adult Film Actress
Warren Farrell: Fathers' Issues Author
Larry Flint: Publisher
Ned Roscoe: Cigarette Retailer
Kurt E. "Tachikaze" Rightmyer: Middleweight Sumo Wrestler
Bruce Margolin: Marijuana Legalization Attorney
Paul "Chip" Mailander: Golf Professional
Ivan Hall: Custom Denture Manufacturer

and a story. I was reading these in the presence of my mother and Max, a childhood friend whose mother has been a friend of my mom since Max and I were in kindergarden together. As I read out "Warren Farrell: Fathers' Issues Author", my mom said to Max, "Warren Farrell! Your mom used to date him!"

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