Monday, September 08, 2003

It appears that the NY Times is concerned that Schwarzenegger might have worked illegally when he first immigrated here in 1968.

It's a relevant issue, because Schwarzenegger is on the record as having voted for Prop. 187 (denying state services to illegal immigrants); being against the law signed Sept 5 by Gray Davis which will grant drivers' licenses to illegal aliens, promising to repeal it once elected; and playing up his immigration story -- arriving as a penniless Austrian farmboy -- while admonishing for immigrants "who do it the right way" (arriving legally, working hard, paying taxes). The difference between an illegal alien and a legal immigrant -- it bears pointing out -- is that an illegal alien works without a visa. Thus, if Schwarzenegger worked without a visa, he was an illegal alien (albeit one lucky enough to eventually get a green card). So, Arnold, did you do it the right way?

Gangbang update: still no direct denial from Schwarzenegger, as he bragged in the 1977 Oui article, that he participated in a gangbang at Gold's Gym in 1977. There are very good reasons to directly deny it if it never happened. Of course, if it did happen, and he denied it, and then someone came forward with the story, that would be political suicide. He has much to gain if he didn't do it, much to lose if he did. So, Arnold gets no pass on an explicit denial. I want to know if a Governor Schwarzenegger would be a gangbanger (perhaps rare among our elected politicians), or merely a megalomaniacal self-promoter (not quite so rare as a gangbanger)?

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