Monday, October 24, 2005

Scooter Libby a Big Fat Liar

The NYTimes is reporting that Fitzgerald has notes which demonstrate that Scooter Libby learned on June 12 2004 that Valerie Plame, a CIA operative, was Joe Wilson's wife from none other than --- guess who? -- no, not Judith Miller as he had been claiming (that happened on June 23rd) but from

Dick Cheney

Hmm.... now why was Dick Cheney talking about this to Scooter Libby? Could it be that they were talking about ways to discredit Joe Wilson, who had been already by then talking about the President's misstatments in the State of the Union Address around the government?

But then, wouldn't that make him part of the group effort to publicly discredit Wilson? by spreading that it was his wife who sent him on a junket? Conspiracy to treason, sounds like.

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