Sunday, October 23, 2005

The New Social Films: Participant Productions

Participant Productions is a new production company, which is now coming out with a series of films which should attract interest. I mentioned North Country (below), and you've probably already heard of GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK -- the movie about Edward R. Murrow and newscasting during the McCarthy/Red Scare years. MURDERBALL was a documentary, showing the hard-ball game played by wheelchair buond men. And soon, we have SYRIANA -- starring Matt Damon and George Clooney in a mid-east centered action film.

However, what brings these films together is that they are meant to be message movies. The production company's motto: "Changing the world one story at a time." NORTH COUNTRY did not deliver on this promise, with the exception that, at least, it highlights real social problems which exist, today, even if it did so hamhandedly. SYRIANA looks far more interesting -- highlighting the relations between the businesses and Middle Eastern politics.

In any case, have eyes wide open here.

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