Wednesday, October 12, 2005

If I Were Conservative, I'd be Really Angry Too.

We know how angry all the conservatives are with Bush. After all, instead of picking a heavy-weight conservative academic for the Supreme Court, he picked the Church Lady.

Maybe that's not very nice to point out, but consider the ramifications for the right:

  • She has no tried-and-true bedrock judicial principles -- never having been a judge -- which probably couldn't be spun out of her in a 10 minute whirl-wind conversation with liberal academic juggernaut Ginsberg. She wouldn't even know what hit her. Ginsberg can quote precedent and history till the cows come home. Miers would totally Souter in that position.
  • Even if Miers doesn't Souter, and keeps to her religious principles of being anti-abortion, religious principles are not going to hold up on a 40 year timescale. So, if Miers gets on the court, and starts saying, "Yeah, and God says, no abortion neither", Chief Justice Roberts is going to say, "um, right. Okay. So, I guess you are going to want to write your own opinion then?" and so she does. Which then gets ignored a generation down the line, and which -- even if Roe v. Wade were revisited with a 5-4 against outcome, would completely undermine the precedent.

Tooo bad for all those conservatives. They made the devils' bargain with the Wingnuts to get Bush into office, and lo and behold, it's the Wingnuts who get their Supreme Court position, not them.

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