Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Report: Vice-President's Office "ordered" the leak of Plame's Name to the Media.

In RawStory -- which has been reliable in pre-reporting issues 3-7 days in advance of the regular press for the Plame Affair. It's reporting that a mid-level White House Staffer -- David Wurmser -- first brought the information regarding Plame to the White House, telling Scooter, Stephen Hadley and Condi Rice (Scooter told Karl Rove). He was then "ordered" to leak this information to the press by "executives in the Vice-President's office". He has past ties to the CIA, where he got the information.

That's conspiracy. This is big news. This guy's not in regular touch with reporters, so being "ordered" to tell this to specific reports constitutes a dedicated effort to use this information to discredit Joseph Wilson.

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