Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Will Bush Wimp Out?

Now that Bush has definitely lostthe fight to pass Bolton through the Senate, will he wimp out?

Presidents who don't have the power to do what they want, or the political skill to convince others to work with them on things they want to accomplish, hide behind infrequently used powers. Bush just may wimp out, and make a recess appointment of John Bolton.

By performing the recess appointment, Bush might as well put on a sandwich board which announces, "I am worthless and weak. I can't even get a nominee to the United Nations -- a body which I consider irrelevant except as an obstruction -- through the Senate. My boy Bill Frist, who's supposed to be the number one muther fucker in charge over there, can't keep his guys in line, and at a 40% approval rating, neither can I. Just ignore me." Except that you can't fit that all on one sandwich board.

So instead, maybe he'll just perform the recess appointment during the July 4th weekend. So that we all know. That he's a wimp.

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