Saturday, June 25, 2005

Arianna Huffington Reports Cheney Checked into Vail Cardiac Unit Under False Name

Seems this happened yesterday.
Apparently he's out now.


Derek said...

According to Cheney's Press office he visited the clinic to give the doctor there a look at his old football knee injury.

Yeah, I can understand why that would require sudden & urgent attention... after 43 years.

Derek said...

Doesn't this whole affair (see Huffington post) remind you of life under Stalin?

"I hear Vice Premier Chenensky was checked into Moscow General."

"Da, but that was only for his knee that was acting up since hit with bullet in Great War."

I mean - do we have a fourth estate in this country or not? Does it matter what actually happens out there in the world, or does the media simply exist to report what the Administration states as truth?