Friday, May 21, 2004

A Prisoner Charges Rape

[WaPost] This is the first quasi-specific charge of rape to come out. The charging prisoner seems to know who did it (a translator), although the victim's identity is not clear. He makes it sound systematic and planned: someone hung sheets to block the view and the event was photographed -- requiring foreknowledge, determination, and the belief on the part of the soldiers involved that this was an army sanctioned act.

"Kasim Mehaddi Hilas, detainee No. 151108, told investigators that when he first arrived at Abu Ghraib last year, he was forced to strip, put on a hood and wear rose-colored panties with flowers on them. 'Most of the days I was wearing nothing else,' he said in his statement.

Hilas also said he witnessed an Army translator having sex with a boy at the prison. He said the boy was between 15 and 18 years old. Someone hung sheets to block the view, but Hilas said he heard the boy's screams and climbed a door to get a better look. Hilas said he watched the assault and told investigators that it was documented by a female soldier taking pictures."

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