Thursday, May 06, 2004

Elvis Mitchell's Out

Elvis Mitchell is out at the NYT - just look at the "Critics' Picks" box on the right-hand side of this week's reviews and you'll see only A.O. Scott and Stephen Holden listed. Elvis doesn't have any reviews this week, for the first week in a while (last week he did Godsend and Mean Girls), but I would have chalked it up to vacation time except for the Picks box.

I had actually heard a rumor about this a week or two ago - Robin, was it you who told me? What I had heard was that A.O. Scott was getting promoted to lead on movies, and that Elvis' position was still in flux. Well, flux no more - I'm guessing he took the hint. (Would that we should be so lucky with Rumsfeld!)

Personally, I liked him but found his reviews tended towards obscure references, and lacked the sharpness of wit and sheer humor of Tony - or needless to say, Janet. What is truly remarkable, however, is how Stephen just hangs in there, demonstrably inferior, week after week - the Salieri of movie critics. Oh well.

Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!

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