Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Some Responses Kerry Could Give

So Bush Wants to know who among the world's leaders want him out?
Here are some suggestions I have for Kerry:

1) "Every single one of them."
2) "All the ones I've asked."
3) "I'm not going to tell you, for the same reason I'm not going to tell you who my parents are voting for -- it's their personal opinion, and they shouldn't to have to defend it to George Bush. By the way, who are your parents voting for, Georgie-boy?"
4) "Sure: Blair, Putin, Schroeder, Prodi, Chirac and since Sunday, Anzar. Oh, but Anzar doesn't count anymore does he?"
5) "Well, there were a lot of them, but the one who really sticks out in my mind is Colin Powell. I mean, where's the loyalty?"
6) "Not counting Bill Frist?"
7) "I wasn't serious -- they all think you're swell. Especially Kofi Annan. And Tony Blair."
8) "How is it that a 8 foot tall Wookie comes from the same planet as 3 foot tall Ewoks? It just does not make sense!"

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