Friday, March 05, 2004

Bin Laden getting the squeeze

Not that this news is new, but Bob thought it deserved blogging.

Apparently, Pakistan ISI knows EXACTLY where Bin Laden is hiding, and they are currently squeezing the supply line to his hideout, presumably to weaken any counter attack when they move in. This leads me to the next thought: Assuming they know where he is, does anyone expect Bin Laden to be captured before October? If they can wait 2 weeks before moving in on him, AND let the news outlets publish those facts, is Bin Laden going to be shocked that he was captured ("I had know idea they knew where I was hiding!")?

Prediction: more and more articles will start appearing claiming that one intelligence agency or another knows the whereabouts of Bin Laden, then suddenly mid-August there will be nothing. Late September or early October he'll be caught. I'll take coffee bets on this one.

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