Friday, March 26, 2004

Bush: Sure of his policies, but wrong on the facts

Bob asks for a tagline for the current Presidential campaign; above is my suggestion. Basically, the idea is to focus on the lies that Bush has told, without calling him a liar (which as we know, can quickly degenerate into base name-calling). I see the tagline appearing at the end of each of a series of 30-second ads.

First ad: Iraq and Terrorism - Bush claims Saddam is connected to Al Qaeda, even though CIA (Tenet) denies this, and orchestrates invasion of Iraq instead of continuing the pursuit of Al Qaeda. Clarke testimony about the damage this did to the war on terror.

Second ad: Iraq and WMDs - Bush claims Saddam possesses WMDs, even though the CIA denies this, and orchestrates invasion of Iraq. No WMDs are found. Kay testimony on the damage this did to our standing internationally. Bush continuing to insist WMDs may be found.

Third ad: Bush and Jobs - Bush designs his tax and budget cuts in a time of huge budget surpluses. Within six months of taking office the budget has plunged into deficit, the nation is in recession, and job losses are mounting. So what does he propose: More tax and budget cuts! The promise is that these will create jobs - but they were not designed to do that. And in fact job losses continue to mount, all the way through 2002 and 2003.

"Bush: Sure of his policies, but wrong on the facts - time and again."

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