Tuesday, November 18, 2003

The Story is Written, but Continues to Unfold

One day after Javier Solana was quoted by London's The Independent as saying the US is going to place its troops under international control (see Steve's entry below), Colin Powell makes a plea that Germany and France join in on managing the post-war Iraq.

Solana's quote has not been reported in US media. Such a major shift in US policy would be an important story -- so what's the deal? Why are US news services piddling after the crumbs of Powell's seeking help from Europe, when, according to the EU Foreign Minister, the US has already made up it's mind to hand the whole thing off?

My read on this is that the Bush administration has decided that there are no more domestic political points to be scored, so that 'tis time to turn tail and stampede on out of there. If they do so, they will have robbed the Democrats of the issue which has bolstered all their candidates, most notably the front-runner Dean, who would then presumably follow Bush and turn to the economy as an issue.

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