Saturday, November 22, 2003

21 Grams: The Title

Without seeing any part of this no-doubt wondrous movie (and as referenced in a previous post), I have already taken offense to one aspect - the title. As explained in the movie's publicity materials:
They say we all lose 21 grams
at the exact moment of our death...
The weight of a stack of nickels.
The weight of a chocolate bar.
The weight of a humming bird...
Perhaps even... the weight of a soul. Or so we are supposed to think. But first, I'd like us to consider a few more "21 gram"-equivalents:
21 grams...
The energy of 450 kilotons of TNT.
The energy of 22.5 Hiroshima A-bombs.
517,500 Kilowatt-hours.
451 Billion Calories.
Enough energy to feed a person for 412,000 years...

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