Thursday, September 08, 2005

bob Sez: no veto

It's beingwidely reported Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared he will veto the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act, which would give state recognition to same-sex marriage in California.

I'm offering a cappa bet, to anyone who accepts via a comment below, prior to a change in the present situation, that Arnold will, in fact, not veto the bill.



Steve said...

I'm in. Schwarzy is gonna veto this. Sure, it puts his acting career at risk (because who in Hollywood isn't part of the Gay Jewish Canadian conspiracy), but if his role in "Batman and Robin" couldn't kill it, I'm not sure what can...

Unknown said...

Note: The governor of California has 30 days to veto a bill, after which it becomes law without his signature.

Steve said...

Just to reaffirm bets so far which Bob has lost to me:

1) Best Picture winner "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King"
2) Bush is re-elected in 2004 campaign.
3) Rumsfeld retains his job 6 months after inauguration day, 2005.

1) Schwarzenegger vetos gay marriage bill.

Derek said...

Bob, I'm in too - if Arnie backs off on his pledge, you are going to be well-caffeinated indeed. If not, well... nothing like a coffee of victory!

Steve said...

Hey Bob, I think you should listen to this report. Schwarzenegger has already vowed to veto the bill YESTERDAY. This news report was posted at 8:50 this morning (9/8), and you made your offer well after this info was available.

In light of this news, I will allow you to back out of this bet, but if you think that Arnold will do a 180 on this, feel free to allow this bet to stand.

Patrick said...

You're on Bob. Arnold never had the left. Since being elected, he's lost the center. If he signs this bill, he loses this bill. Furthermore, if he goes back on his pledge, he seems a waffler, a "girlie man".

Unknown said...

Steve: I state explicitly in my post that Arnold has vowed to veto the bill! I new of the vow, prior to the bet. Thus, my bet. I'm putting up that Arnie will 180 on the issue.

No backing out!