Wednesday, August 31, 2005

NYT Eds Don't Like Bush

New Orleans lies in ruins, and the NYT Editorial board can't resist the urge to needle President Bush about it:
But this seems like the wrong moment to dwell on fault-finding, or even to point out that it took what may become the worst natural disaster in American history to pry President Bush out of his vacation. All the focus now must be on rescuing the survivors.
Wrong moment, huh? Au contraire, mon amis! I think it's never a bad time to get snarky on the Dubyah.


Unknown said...

But you have to agree! Why bring up the point that, while New Orleans lies in ruins, with the situation not getting better, but deteriorating -- with two levees breaking, 80% of the city now under increasingly contaminated water, a break down in civil disorder (and what might you expect? the 20% of the population which did not evacuate were those who had nothing, because there was no state-sponsored evacuation), inadequate National Guards to help (they're in Iraq. Whoops! Who saw that coming? Oh, everyone) that Bush spent yet another night in Crawford last night?

Oh, and by the way. You know how we have that FEMA thing? Seems they've been underfunded since the DHS came online. Oh, and we don't have billions of dollars to give to New Orleans, because it's been spent in tax cuts and a war.

It's beginning to look like New Orleans could be a modern Pompeii -- abandoned by its citizens after natural disaster.

Derek said...

As I say in the post, the only part I disagree with is their statement that this is the wrong moment! (which, you must admit, tends to undercut the criticism)

As far as I'm concerned, there's never a wrong time for snarkiness.