Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bush's Legacy

That household income has dropped for five straight years -- -the longest decline on record -- and poverty rates are up again to what they were before Clinton took office pretty much seals the deal.

It's time, with midterms in the next year, to wind up Bush's legacy. Here it is: he is absolutely the worst president we have ever had. This, coupled with situations ready to spiral out of control, are about to sink the country into the worst social unrest of the past century. Combine inside the torn psyches of Americans the twin disorder of realizing the lie and costs of Iraq, with the deteriorating economy at home, and genuine anger is the result.

Why do I come to this conclusion today? Wed, Aug 31? The answer is New Orleans. The destruction there, the active way this administration removed disaster preparedness which led to it's present state, the crime and disorder it sees, the real possibility that the city will not recover -- literally, effectively wiped off the map -- due to the lack of preparedness and the budget deficit which makes any real National response impossible; the likelihood of $3 gas --- all of this will chime in the ears of people who have come to accept that we are in a war based on lies, spending over a Trillion dollars to do nothing but create another civil war in a country which posed no military threat to us. People can handle the knowledge that they were liied to. However, when the lies have real consequences, they get very angry.

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