Sunday, January 02, 2005

United States Throws Out Its Constitution

The Intelligence, Defense and diplomatic (State) officials
quoted in the WaPost
say that the US is preparing long range plans to permanently detain "suspected terrorists" without ever charging them, without ever offering them judicial review.

The present plans ask for $25M for a new "Camp 6" at Gitmo, where people who have no more intelligence to give up, and can't be charged with anything in Federal Court from lack of evidence, will be held forever.

These plans violate a Supreme Court ruling this year, which stated that the US must offer access to Federal Courts to military prisoners for a judicial review of their status. They also violate a fundamental right -- that the government cannot permanently detain a person without charge, and without due process review of those charges in front of a jury of peers. The result will be a Federal government empowered to imprison anyone indefinitely permanently.

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