Sunday, December 04, 2005

Three "Left Behind" Movies - and counting

Over at Slate, Grady Hendrix has watched all three - yes, three - of the "Left Behind" movies, and so that we don't have to, he's written about the experience.

Worth a read, especially for the bit about how viewers might be confused about the residents of present-day Israel, and how the Antichrist-slash-UN Secretary General goes about consolidating his power (think "Godfather").

I recall these movies being discussed in our blog's pages a year or more ago, but can't track down the relevant post(s) (the "search this blog" feature above promises way more than it delivers - trust me on this). As I recall, Patrick briefly had an open bet on whether a movie would be made from these books or not, before Robin pointed out that the first had already been made.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want a "Left Behind" t-shirt.