Sunday, December 18, 2005

Impeachment Watch Day 1: Tallying Senators: Russ Feingold, Arlen Spector

Vote counting -- the guesswork and confirmation ability that made Johnson a great Senate leader -- is an exercise in reading tea leaves and public statements to determine who will vote which way on a given bill.

So, I'm declaring the beginning of an Impeachment Watch, starting December 18 2005, to tally up the Senators who indicate publicly if they believe Bush has broken the law -- which, implicitly, means they would vote to convict him on a bill of Impeachment.

Today: we have Russ Feinfold (Democrat) and Arlen Spector (Republican):

Bush Administration Mounts Broad Defense of Iraq War - New York Times: "'The issue here is whether the president of the United States is putting himself above the law,' Mr. Feingold, a member of the Judiciary Committee, said on CNN, 'and I believe he has done so here.'"

The Republican chairman of that committee, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who on Friday had called the surveillance "a violation of our law beyond any question," moderated his tone today, but still said that he would hold hearings to investigate the matter.

The total listing so far:
For: 2 (Feingold,Spector)
Against: 0
Uncertain: 98

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