Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Judith Miller Stupidly Seeks Martyrdom

What the heck? Matthew Cooper says his source contacted him today and released him from his bond to keep the source confidential; so, Cooper's talking.

Judith Miller of the NYTimes is NOT talking, and is now in jail. Which means either her source is a different one from Cooper's (and so didn't release her, too), or she's just sitting in prison seeking journalistic martyrdom.

Whatever. Journalists who are told by a judge that the leak promoted no national benefit should be compelled legally to talk; and other journalists should recognize that this is not a violation of professional ethics. Keeping confidential the identity of a US government employee who uses the journalist to make public damaging information about a private citizen with the exclusive intent of punishing the citizen serves no ethical purpose. Journalists who do this consent to being weapons of political warfare, and no more. That's not good for the Republic.

1 comment:

Steve said...

No biggie. They said:

"Mr. Abrams also said that Judge Hogan had said, "She has the key to her own cell." "

So, she's staying in that same awesome prison where Martha stayed. We're not talking "Oz" here.

That is some sweet jail time. 4 month vacation as far as Judy is concerned. She can make sorbet, and fashion a shank from a lamb bone.