Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bush Always Knew About the Conspiracy In His Administration

The force of Derek's posts below is so convincing, it bears repeating.

Bush is playing poker with us -- holding cards, and looking over his shoulder is Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, Stephen Hadley, Ari Fleischer and Scott McClellan. All of them are looking at his hand and saying the exact same things: "never said her name", "only if leaked classified information". Some of them are even bluffing: "had no involvement".

Now, we can't prove what's in that hand -- but we are hearing them all speak with the same voice, with the same words, because they are all playing the same hand. The President has always known, and he's helping them forward the conspiracy and obstruction. Anyone who plays poker can see that.

The important question which remains is - how do you get to see the cards?

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