Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Republicans: A Party Without Decent People?

Ya know, this Bolton nomination thing, where the Republicans have a whole head of steam going to make him their head guy at the UN, makes you wonder: do the Republicans have anyone who both is an advocate for their values, and also *doesn't* chase subordinates around hotels, throwing shoes at them when they're pissed?

Or does holding Republican values and being an insufferable asshole have to go hand in hand?

Answers, anyone?

1 comment:

Derek said...

I strongly believe that, with respect to this Administration, being "one of our guys" and chasing subordinates around hotel hallways, accompanied by airborne footwear, go hand in hand.

Evidence: Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Bernard Kerik, John Bolton.

Further evidence: Colin Powell, Condi Rice (sure she got the promotion, but everyone knows she's not an insider).