Wednesday, August 27, 2003

As for Robin's liberal renaissance -- I suspect that it must begin like the last one did: heralded by the ingestion of enormous quantities of drugs, and end the same way too: a murderous amount of analysis through the eyes of the ingestees. Talkin' 'bout my generation.

Of course, given my side of the action below, I'm vulnerable to the accusation that I'm on a coke binge:

Resolved: That Arnold Schwarzenegger will win the replacement election.
Pro: Erica
Con: Bob

Resolved: That Richard Riordan would win the replacement election.
Pro: Bob
Con: Derek

Resolved: That Gov. Gray Davis will not be recalled in the recall election.
Pro: Bob
Con: Derek

Oh, Derek? I hereby concede that Richard Riordan will not win the replacement election. I owe you a cappa.

I'm no longer offering action on these questions. Which is humility, but not concession.

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