Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not Cooperating

This is one of those bizarre crime articles which appear in the Montreal Gazette [link] .

This guy had his legs crushed, by an SUV which pinned him to the wall outside a strip club. The article says the victim is not cooperating with the police.

And that's it! Articles like this appear all the time. Somebody gets hurt something awful, they're not cooperating. Also, the Gazette never prints the names of victims (here, it says he's from a tony suburb of Montreal) -- even if they are murder victims.

So, we've got:

* no name for the victim
* no address for the crime
* no quote from the police, how they intend to investigate a crime where the victim isn't cooperating.

This is the level of reporting on crime in Montreal.

Now, what do *you* think is going on? I think this is organized crime, and the victim had pissed off someone further up the chain, and knows better than to hand them over to the cops.

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