Thursday, September 07, 2006

9/11 and the Need for Closure

So the President has revealed the 14 suspects who were detained in secret CIA gulags abroad and moved them to Guantanamo. In announcing their transfer to Guantanamo, he pointed to the 9/11 relatives by his side and suggested the need for closure now, 5 years after the attacks.

Here is what closure is not: Detaining the chief suspects in secret locations while fighting court battle after court battle to avoid his responsibility to live up to the Geneva Conventions and our nation's laws. Failing to lay out the evidence against these men in any public forum, so that our enemies abroad can continue to claim that they are innocent. Failing to convict these terrorists in any court. Continuing to push for un-Constitutional legislation to set up special kangaroo courts for these suspects and these suspects alone.

Here is what closure would be: Trying these suspects and convicting them, using evidence presented openly to the whole world, and then locking them up in prison after a free and fair trial.

Personally, I think the Democrats should push for closure. 5 years is long enough.

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