Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bush a two-time lawbreaker

According to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (NYT story).

We all know that Bush has been in flagrant violation of FISA - which requires a warrant from the FISA court for every domestic wiretap by the NSA. The President has cheerfully admitted that he has been existing in a world of his own, a world where that restriction has magically evaporated, for three years now. No one believes the excuses he, the Veep, Condi, and Alberto Gonzalez have since put forward to "legalize" this behavior. Moreover, the fact that the President & Co. kept even their own Justice Department in the dark about what they were up to makes it pretty clear they knew it was illegal, themselves.

However, as Bob pointed out in this post below, the President has also been in violation of the NSA Act, which established the NSA and tasked the Congress with oversight of its operations. Telling the party-hack committee chair that you have kept the NSA busy violating the rights of thousands of citizens, on a daily basis, for the last 3 years - without informing anyone else of this activity - is apparently not really consistent with that oversight function. Or so the CRS has ruled.

Two more reasons to impeach the President.

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