Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Bush Administration Member Still Not Cooperating with the Plame Investigation

Bob Woodward reported today that he has a source in the White House who he talked to about Plame prior to the Novak article, but that source expressly told him not to reveal his identity -- as recently as this week!

This means that someone in the White House is disobeying Bush's direct instruction to completely cooperate with the investigation.

Here's text: "The Post disclosed this morning that Woodward testified under oath Monday in the CIA leak case. Woodward said today he had gotten permission from one of his sources, White House chief of staff Andrew H. Card Jr., to disclose that he had testified that their June 20, 2003 conversation did not involve Plame, the wife of administration critic Joseph C. Wilson IV. He said he had 'pushed' his other administration source, without success, to allow him to discuss that person's identity, but that the source has insisted that the waiver applies only to Woodward's testimony.


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