Saturday, April 02, 2005

Has DeLay Fucked the Sheep?

In television, a weekly show is "over, over" when it has "jumped the shark" -- a reference to the episode of Happy Days where Fonzie did a ski-jump over a great white in a pen, which now is shorthand for the moment in a TV show's life when it becomes something so completely other from what it was originally meant to be.

In politics, the problem is similar, but with a different vernacular -- the saying goes, in politics, you cannot unfuck the sheep.

As Delay makes comments which read like he's encouraging people to shoot Federal judges, the question arises: has he fucked the sheep?

So, with legal indictments, ethical problems, a willingness to hijack the Republican agenda simply to change the topic, violating separation of powers in his assault on the courts -- a precept which many of his colleagues hold hallowed -- and, at this moment, he says "the time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior," in language any psycho wingnut recognizes as a call to arms, it would seem that he is fast losing all his friends. Which is what happens when you fuck the sheep. Except, of course, for the other sheep-fuckers.

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