Thursday, April 08, 2004

Robin As The Robin

Robin's conceding the bet on SHAOLIN SOCCER -- and none too soon. Last week (6 theathers) it grossed $40,000 -- not exactly sold out crouds. GOODBYE LENIN! did better with $300K in 6 theaters. I saw this one -- an ambiguous ending, which is fine, but macabre.

But that's not my purpose here, which is to raise the point that ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND has $22M after 3 weeks, in modest (1100 theaters) release. What's going on here? This is a much better movie than that, on a subject which makes it a terrible date movie (break-ups and forgetting the person you broke up with) but which nonetheless is universal. I'm sure lots of couples are avoiding it, just so that they don't have to hear the other half ask, "If we broke up, you wouldn't erase me from your mind, would you?" How do you answer that one? "Oh, most definitely -- I'd be devestated, and if I wanted to go on living, I'd need to forget you as soon as possible" is probably safest. Then again, "Oh, no, I would never want to forget you, even if it were painful" would be almost as good. Of course, this is a trick question, and the best answer is "WE'RE NOT BREAKING UP" and to leave it there.

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